Results for 'L. Johan Van der Lof'

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  1.  15
    Uso que de la tipología bíblica hace Tertuliano, en consideración a la historia de la Iglesia.L. Johan Van der Lof & J. Oldfield - 1998 - Augustinus 43 (168-169):133-144.
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    Tertullian and Augustine on Titus 3, 10-11.L. J. van der Lof - 1993 - Augustinus 38 (149-151):511-525.
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    La patria de Agustín, según la carne.L. J. van der Lof & José Anoz - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):321-329.
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    Abraham’s Bosom in the Writings of Irenaeus, Tertullian and Augustine.L. J. van der Lof - 1995 - Augustinian Studies 26 (2):109-123.
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    The Threefold Meaning of Servi Dei in the Writings of Saint Augustine.L. J. Van der Lof - 1981 - Augustinian Studies 12:43-59.
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    Boekbesprekingen.Erik Eynikel, Martin Parmentier, J. Lambrecht, Archibald L. H. M. van Wieringen, O. H. Steck, Bart J. Koet, José R. de Kwaadsteniet, M. J. H. M. Poorthuis, Martien Parmentier, G. Rouwhorst, T. J. van Bavel, Jaap van der Meij, C. Traets, J. -J. Suurmond, Bernard Höfte, Wil Straatman, A. J. M. van der Helm, I. Verhack, A. van de Pavert, Bert Defreyne, Johan G. Hahn, Joh G. Hahn & T. van den Hoogen - 1991 - Bijdragen 52 (4):436-463.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, J. Lambrecht, Hendrik Hoet, Jaap van der Meij, W. G. Tillmans, Marcel Poorthuis, Th C. de Kruijf, B. Dehandschutter, Martin Parmentier, L. van Tongeren, Th Bell, J. Y. H. A. Jacobs, A. J. M. van der Helm, Hans Goddijn, H. J. Adriaanse, H. Rikhof, A. Braeckman, Henk Hoekstra & Johan G. Hahn - 1992 - Bijdragen 53 (1):86-111.
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    Boekbesprekingen.Willem A. M. Beuken, P. C. Beentjes, Bart J. Koet, Theo de Kruijf, Hans Vandenholen, L. van Tongeren, Frans Vervooren, Liuwe H. Westra, Arie L. Molendijk, Stephan van Erp, A. J. M. van der Helm, R. Munnik, Walter Van Herck, Marin Terpstra, H. Göns, A. Poncelet, Johan Taels & D. C. Mulder - 1998 - Bijdragen 59 (3):338-362.
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    In the Image of Cicero: German Philosophy between Wolff and Kant.Johan Van Der Zande - 1995 - Journal of the History of Ideas 56 (3):419.
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    Sinndeutung Und Periodisierung der Geschichte: Eine Systematische Ub̈ersicht der Theorien Und Auffassungen.Johan van der Pot - 1999 - Boston: Brill.
    In this huge study the author presents a systematic and thematic overview of all concepts and ideas, that are basic and gave shape to Western thinking about history: Jewish and Christian concepts of redemptive history, particularism vs. universal concepts, ethnocentric concepts, typology, eschatology and the apocalyptic. He considers concepts of history in the Classical Age, the Middle Ages, Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, the Romantic Age, Humanism, Positivism, the impact of the Holocaust and Postmodernism. He offers a critical treatment of (...)
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  11. Modality: The three-layered scalar square.van der Auwera Johan - 1996 - Journal of Semantics 13 (3).
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  12. How action understanding can be rational, Bayesian and tractable.Mark Blokpoel, Johan Kwisthout, T. P. van der Weide & Iris van Rooij - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Levensecht en bescheiden: essays over authenticiteit : afscheidsbundel ter ere van prof. dr. Johan van der Hoeven.A. Th Brüggemann-Kruijff, H. G. Geertsema, Mariëtte Willemsen & Johan van der Hoeven (eds.) - 1998 - Kampen: Kok Agora.
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  14. Law and deconstruction.Johan van der Walt - 2019 - In Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes & Marco Goldoni (eds.), Research handbook on critical legal theory. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    Filosofische reflecties en ontmoetingen: opstellen van Dr. J. van der Hoeven.Johan van der Hoeven, René van Woudenberg, S. Griffioen & H. G. Geertsema - 1993
    Bijdragen over de actuele betekenis van de filosofie, met name de Reformatorische Wijsbegeerte.
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    What do we talk about when we talk?: speculative grammar and the semantics and pragmatics of focus.Johan van der Auwera - 1981 - Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    This monograph deals with the aboutness of language.
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  17. Part IV. lexical, constructional and discourse semantics: Prohibition: Constructions and markers.Johan van der Auwera - 2009 - In Dingfang Shu & Ken Turner (eds.), Contrasting Meanings in Languages of the East and West. Peter Lang.
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    Proof-number search.L. Victor Allis, Maarten van der Meulen & H. Jaap van den Herik - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):91-124.
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    Law and the Space of Appearance in Arendt's thought.Johan Willem van Der WaltGous - 2012 - In Marco Goldoni & Christopher McCorkindale (eds.), Hannah Arendt and the law. Portland, Or.: Hart Pub.2.
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    Remarks on ordinary and ideal language.Johan van der Auwera - 1977 - Wilrijk: Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen.
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  21. Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Stress on Mind.B. A. van der Kolk, A. C. McFarlane & L. Weisath - forthcoming - Body, and Society. New York: Guilford.
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    Religiosity, CSR Attitudes, and CSR Behavior: An Empirical Study of Executives’ Religiosity and CSR.Corrie Mazereeuw-van der Duijn Schouten, Johan Graafland & Muel Kaptein - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (3):437-459.
    In this paper, we examine the relationship between Christian religiosity, attitudes towards corporate social responsibility, and CSR behavior of executives. We distinguish four types of CSR attitudes and five types of CSR behavior. Based on empirical research conducted among 473 Dutch executives, we find that CSR attitudes mediate the influence of religiosity on CSR behavior. Intrinsic religiosity positively affects the ethical CSR attitude and negatively affects the financial CSR attitude, whereas extrinsic religiosity stimulates the philanthropic CSR attitude. Financial, ethical, and (...)
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  23. Law, utopia, event : a constellation of two trajectories.Johan van der Walt - 2014 - In Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Umphrey (eds.), Law and the utopian imagination. Stanford, California: Stanford Law Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press.
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    Peilingen: korte exploraties in wijsgerig stroomgebied.Johan van der Hoeven - 1980 - Amsterdam: Buitjen & Schipperheijn.
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  25. Connectives.Caterina Mauri & Johan van der Auwera - 2012 - In Keith Allan & Kasia Jaszczolt (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics. Cambridge University Press.
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  26. Inleiding tot die regswetenskap. Van der Vyver & Johan David - 1972 - Durban: Butterworths.
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  27. De periodisering der geschiedenis. van der Pot & Johan Hendrik Jacob - 1951 - s̓-Gravenhage,: W. P. van Stockum.
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    Cross-modal, bidirectional priming in grapheme-color synesthesia.Chris L. E. Paffen, Maarten J. Van der Smagt & Tanja C. W. Nijboer - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:325-333.
  29. Language, lifeworld and (inter) subjectivity: The deep springs of mundanity in human co-existence: Moral sense, empathy, solidarity, communication, intersubjective grounding.W. L. Van Der Merwe - 1996 - Analecta Husserliana 48:349-366.
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    Plutarchea Lovaniensia: A Miscellany of Essays on Plutarch.L. Van der Stockt (ed.) - 1996 - Lovanii [Belgium]: Peeters.
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    The Pheasant Cap Master.K. L. van der Leeuw - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (1):190-193.
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    Statistik and History in the German Enlightenment.Johan van der Zande - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (3):411-432.
    Eighteenth-century German Statistik was an empirical and descriptive discipline of "the land and the people." As the study of material conditions it provided governments with information to assess the strength of their own state in comparison with others. Its adherents' claim that Statistik was a useful science, however, was severely tempered by their empirical method and holistic view of society. As a "science of the present" it was seriously challenged by the recognition of the essential historicity of its subject matter. (...)
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  33. Facing the challenges of diversity: a reflection on the role of philosophy in South Africa today.W. L. Van der Merwe - 1994 - South African Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):190-198.
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    For Ilya Prigogine on his seventieth birthday.G. Nicolis, L. E. Reichl & A. van der Merwe - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (5):459-460.
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    Bürger und Beamter: Johann Georg Schlosser, 1739-1799.Johan van der Zande - 1986 - Wiesbaden: Steiner.
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  36. Law and the space of appearance in Arendt's thought.Johan van der Walt - 2012 - In Marco Goldoni & Christopher McCorkindale (eds.), Hannah Arendt and the law. Portland, Or.: Hart Pub.2.
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  37. More Ado about nothing: On the typology of negative indefinites.Johan van der Auwera & Lauren van Alsenoy - 2018 - In Ken Turner & Laurence R. Horn (eds.), Pragmatics, truth and underspecification: towards an atlas of meaning. Boston: Brill.
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  38. On the semantic and pragmatic polyfunctionality of modal verbs.Johan Van der Auwera - 1999 - In Ken Turner (ed.), The semantics/pragmatics interface from different points of view. New York: Elsevier.
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  39. Only if.Johan Van der Auwera - 1985 - Logique Et Analyse 28 (109):61-74.
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    Encyclopedia of Technological Progress, 2nd Edition: A Systematic Overview of Theories and Opinions.Johan Hendrik van der Pot - 2004 - Eburon Publishers, Delft.
    The scientific advances made in the last two centuries have drastically improved the quality and structure of human existence. Exploring the history of that technological progress, and the numerous and complex elements that propelled its development, the _Encyclopedia of Technological Progress_ attempts to comprehensively classify the theories and hypotheses proposed in modern human history on the effects, meaning, and control of these advances. This massive and learned reference work draws on a wide range of disciplines in its study of technological (...)
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  41. The body keeps the score: approaches to the psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder. In van der Kolk BA, McFarlane AC, Weisaeth L (eds), Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind.B. A. Van der Kolk - forthcoming - Body, and Society. New York: The Guilford Press.
  42. African philosophy and multiculturalism.W. L. Van der Merwe - 1997 - South African Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):73-78.
  43. Audit committee features and earnings management: further evidence from Singapore.J. L. W. Mitchell Van der Zahn & Greg Tower - 2004 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (2):233-258.
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  44. (2 other versions)Karl Marx: The Roots of His Thought.Johan van der Hoeven - 1978 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (2):122-123.
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  45. Making ethics work.J. C. Van Der Merwe, L. Lategan & P. Le Roux - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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  46. van der,'Croisade contre les hérétiques, ou guerre contre rebelles? La psychologie des soldats et des officiers Espagnols de l'armee de Flandre du XVIe siècle'.Leon van der Essen - 1956 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 51:42-78.
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  47. Die gemeinsame Quelle der erkenntnistheoretischen Abhandlungen von Iamblichos und Proklos. van der Waerden & L. B. - 1980 - Heidelberg: C. Winter.
  48. De retorische kracht van meerduidigheid: Het niet-schaden argument in de medische ethiek.L. van der Scheer - 1996 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 88 (3):192-207.
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  49. Trauma and memory. In van der Kolk BA, McFarlane AC and Weisaeth L (Eds) Traumatic Stress-The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind.Bessel A. Van der Kolk - forthcoming - Body and Society. New York: The Guilford Press.
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    The local church as a non-governmental organisation in the fight against poverty: A historical overview of Bethulie 1933–1935.Johan Van der Merwe - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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